30 June 2010
20 Weeks- the Halfway Mark
24 June 2010
19 Weeks
Last night we took two shots on the actual day.
Right before bed. Not my most attractive time of day.
I saw my girlfriend Vivian yesterday, who gave birth in April. Between a hilarious story of her son burping up in her husband's mouth (hysterical) and plans for our trip to see Eclipse next week, we marveled how eating a little bit really makes your tummy expand. Just an apple, and the belly grows a lot. I think it's a lot of water combined with less room in the stomach that has been shoved out of the way. Until recently my tummy has been fairly flat in the mornings, and all my pictures have been taken at night. No more flat tummy, I'll see my abs again sometime in 2011.
22 June 2010
Some of My Favorite Baby Finds

How cutie patootie is this pacifier?! A soft plush giraffe attaches to the binky, making it much more difficult to lose. It's a toy and pacifier in one. Wubbanub makes several different animals available on Amazon; I love the kitten one too.

Goodnight Moon. Essential. Classic.

19 June 2010
Ray sent me this from work on a Friday, I guess it was being passed around the office. I think it's just hilarious, the 'family' from the Toyota Sienna commercials.
We won't be purchasing a minivan- just can't wrap my brain around the soccer mom stigma- but I think this is just hysterical.
17 June 2010
Rough Night
I felt a bit restless when going to bed, which wasn't a great start. I actually was still semi-awake and going to the bathroom when Ray came to bed, which is unusual. I usually have no idea when he goes to bed because I'm sound asleep.
Two bathroom trips later at 12:30am, I feel little bubbles and pulls and I think maybe it's her moving. Maybe I really feel her! Now I don't think so, I think it was gas and digestion as usual (or if it was her it was still too small to distinguish from gas); anyway, I couldn't go back to sleep from thinking about it. I think I lay awake for another 3 hours, tossing and turning from side to side. I wanted to lay on my back or my tummy SO BAD. That is the worst part of sleeping now, and not only are those positions off-limits, they are finally too uncomfortable anyway. There is pressure in my pelvis on my back, and pain in my tummy the other way (besides I don't want to squash her!) When I finally got back to sleep I dreamt of our little girl as a baby, inconsolable until I swaddle her in a pink blanket, and propped in a weird vertical bouncy seat by my in-laws in a sort of abusive way. Very weird.
When I woke up, I felt horrible, so tired. It was a bit early and Ray was still home. I wondered out of the bedroom and mumbled something about the night and he sent me back to bed. I got up again 30 minutes later and did my usual morning exercise, a medium one. Showered, ate breakfast, and dashed out to the door with my mom and her friend Donna.
We spend the day at the new Impressionist exhibit at the de Young Museum in San Francisco. A collection from the Musee d'Orsay in Paris is visiting and we were both looking forward to it. It was wonderful although a bit crowded, but it was a lot of standing and walking for me and my back was feeling the pain of my shifted center of gravity. Ordinarily I'd never need to sit down during such an outing, but I had to seek out a resting place twice. We had a delicious lunch at the Moss Room in the Academy of Sciences (marinated local sardines and watercress and red plum salad for me, delicious) before heading home. I changed out of jeans into sweats immediately and have assumed the position of couch potato every since.
Really hoping tonight's sleep is better.
16 June 2010
18 Weeks
09 June 2010
17 Weeks
06 June 2010
Barbies and Ballerinas
I've always said I wouldn't be terribly girly if we had a daughter, but I find myself thinking of ballerinas and other fun things right now! Perhaps it is the initial joy and will wear off. Still, it feels so good being able to say "she" with confidence, and even have a possible name to whisper in private.
04 June 2010
I'm Average
In 1970, the average age of a first-time mother was 21.
Today in 2010, the average age is 27.
I was feeling a bit old by the time we conceived, but I'm just perfectly average.
02 June 2010
Bad Appts vs Good Appts
1st Appointment (The Bad One):
- 8:00am blood test for second trimester blood screening, the second part of the full integrated screening to test for certain diseases
- Arrive to discover that my appointment is just to pick up the lab form. Gah!! Which means I have to get in line behind the two dozen people who had to fast and are there when the lab opens. The same lab who messed up the first trimester blood test that I had to have retaken in May.
- Wait 45 minutes in the waiting room. I haven't eaten breakfast yet (didn't need to fast but had to get there in time) and the only available chair is a child's hard stool which is soo not comfortable. Watch as one person gets called every 15 minutes or so.
- Get up to ask how much longer the wait will be, am told at least another 45 minutes. What?!
- Promptly get up and leave with my lab form. Plan to return to my regular lab down the street to get the blood done tomorrow when I'm a little less anti-lab.
2nd Appointment (The Good One):
- 2:15pm appointment with my doctor for my 16-week check-up
- Arrive early to give my urine sample and sit down comfortably to wait with my knitting
- Watch cute new Dad and what seems to be his tween-age sister-in-law with his 9-day-old baby in the waiting room (Mom was in her appointment). Chuckle as I catch sister-in-law watching me knit. Little baby is sweet and with good lungs, keeps bursting out with teeny crying. Dad looks sort of tough but couldn't be sweeter with baby and sis.
- Doctor pronounces my blood pressure and proteins excellent, weight gain normal- only 2 pounds since last month. Whew!
- Baby's heartrate is strong at 150 beats per minute- again normal
- No-go on finding out baby's gender- position was good but the umbilical cord was between its legs! Oh well, it was a long shot anyway.
- In and out in 20 minutes- easy breezy
So I had the bad and the good medically today- at least I got to have the good last, right? And I don't have to go to that lab again if I don't want to, and I don't intend to!
And no, I'm not too disappointed about not finding out if it's a boy or a girl because . . . we're getting a 4D ultrasound done on Friday!!! The office was recommended to me by a girlfriend and we have an evening appointment. They can tell the gender from 15 weeks so I'm very excited. We'll get to see much better pictures of the baby than we have before, and finally find out if I should saying 'she' or 'him'.