Half-birthday! Lyla turned 6 months last week. Let me share some things that have been going on:
One of the biggest events this month is that we started some solid foods!
Breastmilk is still her main source of nutrition, so these solids are mostly for practice, teaching her how to eat and introducing different textures and flavors. Some days Lyla is interested, some days she's not. She nurses when we get up, then I workout and make my breakfast before we both eat our food. So far she has tried brown rice cereal, pears, squash, sweet potato, peas, and prunes; I have carrots, apples, and bananas ready to go. My plan is to introduce a second meal at 7 months and a third meal at 8 months.

We're going on lots of walks in the stroller, now that the days are more sunny. This time outside makes for happy mommy and happy baby!

This past week we got Lyla her booster seat. She's not loving the Bumbo much anymore; it's getting small and she no longer needs the trunk support. She's really enjoying being at the table in the seat, either eating or playing with toys. I drag the chair into the kitchen while I'm cooking too.
She has been able to sit in a high chair very nicely at a few restaurants too. I just have to remember to bring plenty of toys for distraction . . . This soft carrot teether is one of her current favorites.
I had packed the playmat away but brought it out again this month because the hanging toys have some more appeal for a sitting baby:

And this girl doesn't need the Boppy pillow to sit anymore.
She can do it quite well all by herself now.

We started going to postnatal fitness class on Mondays and Wednesdays at 4:30pm, for some extra exercise and to meet other mommies and babies. We made some new friends! Lyla plays for a bunch of the class, but I usually miss some of abs if she starts to fuss.

Yea I have no idea what she's doing here with her legs. I guess it was comfortable because she stayed this way a long time.

We went to her 6-month doctor appointment- she weighs 15 lbs 5.5 oz, and Dr. Eileen was very impressed with her gross motor and language skills.
If there were a theme for the past month, it would be blowouts. Lots of them. We had a week stretch where there was a major explosion every day. I put together an emergency diaper kit in the back of my car and filled it with extra diapers, wipes, disposable changing pads, and plastic bags. Because on more than one occasion I forgot to replenish my diaper bag and was missing something... I've used this emergency kit half a dozen times already, so it was probably one of my best ideas ever.
I don't have a picture for said blowouts. Be thankful. Instead, here's Lyla playing in her music station, which is becoming more and more fun as she learns to move around and touch all the different objects.

I have so many cute videos of Lyla, but I'm still having issues uploading them on Blogger. Hopefully I can figure something out and will be able to post lots of them soon.

Baths are still fun, especially since she can sit up now and play with toys. That bath sponge has been AWESOME, but it's on its way out. It's getting a little mangy, but the thing cost $5 so we'll toss it and get a new one for baby #2.

If I had to pick a favorite time with Lyla it would definitely be now. But I have a feeling that the best times are still to come, with more fun down the road. Right now two baby teeth are approaching her bottom gums, I can see the outline and the surface is getting white. In the coming weeks (or days!) I may have some tooth pictures to share!
