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28 April 2013

First and Last Dinner Date

The last time Ray and I went on a date just the two of us was sometime last fall. So at the end of March we finally managed to book a babysitter and head out for dinner on a Saturday night. But it was a week after I found out I was pregnant! So no wine for me :( We still had some delicious pizza and dessert at the restaurant bar (I love sitting at the bar now, whenever we are alone. It's something we can't do with a child.) Anyway, since there are so few pictures of me in front of the lens these days, and because I looked much nicer than I usually do, I snapped a picture before we went out.

And the first bump picture, almost 6 weeks.

A Second

Well hello there

early morning- VERY unexpected- positive!

I am pregnant again! And my due date? The exact same day as Lyla was. 365 days in the year, but we thought we'd do it the same again. :) What are those odds??!!